Business Organizations
Triple Bubble Map
The illustration above is a "double bubble" map, but we want a triple bubble for this exercise.

You will use your triple bubble map to compare and contrast the characteristics of the three types of business organizations. So please begin by drawing the three center bubbles as shown below.

Then, using sections one through three of chapter eight in your textbook and/or your notes on business organizations, please place the following descriptors appropriately on the bubble map. That is, a description that applies to both a sole proprietorship and a partnership should be listed between those two ovals somewhere (above or below does not matter). A descriptor that applies only to corporations, on the other hand, should be listed to the right of the corporations oval.

  1. separate legal entity

  2. sells stocks

  3. sells bonds

  4. long life

  5. limited life

  6. easy to set up

  7. difficult to set up

  8. easy to raise capital

  9. difficult to raise capital

  10. limited liability

  11. unlimited liability

  12. joint and several liability

  13. flexible decision making

  14. keeps all profits

  15. must share profits

  16. profits are taxed once

  17. profits are taxed twice

  18. difficult to become large

  19. easy to become large

  20. limited managerial experience

  21. substantial managerial experience

  22. easy to attract top talent

  23. difficult to attract top talent